Information Collection:
Digital PFS is the sole owner of this website. We do not disclose your personally identifiable information for business reasons in any way shape or form.
We will not sell or share your information. We encourage you to ask questions and to be very cautious before you disclose your personal information to others.
We use the information that we collect about you to fulfill your product and service purchases and to create a more personalized online experience.
By registering with our website, you agree to receive special discounts and other promotional information from us via e-mail. If you do not want these specials and discounts, you can opt out from receiving them.
We record the IP address when any files are downloaded to your machine. Once a file is downloaded, it may not be downloaded by a device with a different IP Addresss. IP Addresses do not contain personally identifiable information.
Digital PFS has links to other websites. Digital PFS is not responsible for the information contained on those websites
Digital PFS will send you the following e-mails:
Digital PFS uses SSL encryption to protect your information. You can see the Lock on the URL line to let you know you are on a secure website.
We use PayPal to process our orders and do not have access to the credit card numbers you enter - you actually enter them directly on a PayPal window displayed on your checkout page.
Updating Your Information:
Please keep your contact and shipping information up to date. We will ship to the delivery address you provide. You can use the <My Account> link to update your information.
Please verify your delivery address when placing your order as we will not be responisble for items shipped to a wrong address provided by you.
If at any time you no longer wish to receive our Specials and discount coupon e-mails, you can always use the Opt-out link at the bottom of the e-mail or click the following <Opt In/Out> link to either Unsubscribe or Re-Subscribe to our e-mails.
This Policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.
Last modified: November 27, 2006